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Darker than black : Stars and Human Lives .

Darker Than Black Some Animes are much more like mystery  movies ...Secrets and Mystery led by the great story makes it usally so interesting that you can't tell where the story is heading or what will be the end ! DARKER THAN BLACK is such a mysterious and psychic anime that you will be amazed just by the first episode .  The story follows .. As it's been 10 years as a wall known as  " Heavens gate "at South America and " Hell's  Gate " at Tokyo appear and the turned the sky with fake star . The world  where the sky is no longer the real sky we used to see . The sky is filled with stars which are representing the lives of humans called ' Contractors ' . Every time when a new star is born ,it includes that a new contractor is going to born. Contractors are Humans with abilities they are contracted with .They make a contract for the abilities and in return have to pay the price it holds .It can be any silly thing or rather a great deal . That...