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Descendants Of the Sun : Lifesavers Love story .

Ramance Korean Dramas are so good when are mixed with Action .  A Beautiful Lady who saves lives being a Doctor and a  Handsome Man who kills the enemies without any mercy.  How can they be together !!!  Descendants of the sun is a love story story of our Lifesavers. Descendants of the sun Kdrama Captain Yoo Shi-Jin (Special Alpha Team, South Korea Army , Code Name : BigBoss)  is a soldier and A Very special one at that. He is a son of ex-commander of Army South Korea and a Top Cadet of Korean National Defence  Academy. He becomes a Captain of a Special Unit at very young age and Gets Top secret missions with success rate of 99% .  Jin-Shin is very kind by heart but also very cruel to his enemies.  Despite being a Captain and Handsome Yoo shi-jin is surprisingly Single and never met his destiny. Seo Dae-Young (Vice Captain of Alpha Team and  Master Sergeant, South Korean Army Code name : Wolf) is best of Yoo shi-jin and can b...