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TACIT : The Best Zombie manhwa

Webtoon is one of the craziest collection of Manhwas to read web comics and manhwas online across the whole world. As you may all know, Webtoon has pretty much every genre manhwas and comics. Tower of God, God of Highschool are one of the rich kids in the club. 
The Artstyle and Rhythm of the stories told on Webtoon are always unique and special for each one. 
And Today we Got a whole new Genre to Explore. 
Zombie Land
Yeah. I'm pretty sure, Many of you might feel creepy or cringe watching Or Readinga Zombie manhwa when this is a way of Psychopath. But, I assure you... TACIT is not any cringe Zombie Manhwa. 
It does have some basic properties of  Zombie-movies.. Like Survival, Zombie Fights and A Dumb MC who doesn't know what he is doing. Yes... Those are common in each zombie universe. 
However, The Sci-fi advance technology and use of drones is quite impressive in this manhwa. It opens up a wild new world. 
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre, xombie webtoon, zombie drone game,

Well, The story starts with a Bang.... A Zombie gets a headshot by a Drone. Bevrian a Amina Citizen is on the duty with his brother Taer to safe guard the Internal Zones of Amina
Amina is a Safe Zone City and is governed by surviving people. After a collapse of Humanity and the emergence of Zombies... Billions of living beings got the bitten by Zombies and as usual they turned into Zombies too. Humanity was brink of an extinction. But, 
Some intellectuals created Cities as Safe Zones and started guarding them to give shelter for the surviving human society. Amina is one the few Safe Zone Cities. 
Dune and his niece Ruby are on the Top of abandoned Building. Dune is teaching Ruby to fly the Drone with the Chip implanted into their brains. They can control their Drone through their brain as they can manipulate them however they want. 
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre, xombie webtoon, zombie drone game,

But, For some people it might be challenging. Some can control the Drone when the drone are in sight. When the drone is out of sight, They can't control it. While the others can control it even when it's out of sight... Just by synchronising themselves with the sight of Drone. 
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre,

 In case of Ruby... It's the opposite... She is not a fast learner in matter of drone. She has to close her eyes and switch to Drown sight and then control the Drone. While doing so... She sees a boy hiding inside a nearby building... She tells Dune about it but Dune suggests that he might a zombie. However, Ruby was certain that it was not a Zombie. 
She rans for the building holding a gun and as she looks sideways...A boy with White hairs and pale face and White eyes was at the corner right beside her. The same apperance and impression of Real Zombie.
 She thinks she was mistaken and holds the Gun up to shoot but the boy immediately spoke "Please Don't Shoot". Shocked as she was... Dune enters the Building... Seeing the White Boy... Dune shoots the gun wavering and frightened. Fortunately, the bullet doens't hit the Boy. But, The boy gets pretty busted.  Watching a Talking Zombie was a new discovery for them. Ruby asks for his identity... but the Boy doesn't know who he is or what he is doing. So Ruby and Dune take him to their secret hideout. They think of plan but they eventually agreed to take him to Amina. At Amina, Ruby takes him to his room and Dune goes to get some food. Talking to Ruby, The Boy sees a scar of her face. Embraced Ruby just keeps it hideen under godlen hairs. 
She thought he would make fun or her but The Boy shows her a photograph of the Leaves which the Scar looks and says, It's the most pretty leaf I have ever seen. Ruby was amazed by this conversation. She has never experienced someone saying pretty things about her scar face. It was new for her. She leaves to get new cloths for him and Dune enters the room. 
Dune offers him a Soup. The boy takes it but says it's salty and he can't taste anything of the real food. Dune was curious of his dish so he gets a sip. 
Ruby enters to give the cloths but what she sees was horrifying. Dune was turned into a living zombie. Just when he was about to bite Ruby.. The White Boy grabs Dune... 
Ruby shouts for help... At the same time, Bevrian and Taer enter the room... Seeing Dune into a miserable condition... Bervrian sees only one option.... He shoots Dune into his head. Dune dies
Lisa the Head of Amina arrives at the moment. She sees Dune turned into Zombie with a Hole in his head. She looks at Ruby and says, Is this what you wanted... Dune was son of her former research partner, Simon
Looking at the White boy, She know he was the cause. She takes him in and asks to disinfect the room and investigate. 
Upon looking into camera... It was clear that Dune turned into Zombie because of the saliva from the Soup. He didn't attack the boy as it looks like him or rather treat the boy as Zombie. On investigation and medical results. The Body of the White boy was completely dead. Only is brain was in control. His heartbeat was also stopped. All in all, The White boy was a walking corpse and a living Zombie. According to Lisa, He was infectious living Zombie. His mere Saliva could cause them all to extinct. Lisa doesn't want to take any chances and votes to eliminate him. But, at the same time, Ruby was listening to the conversation. Ruby thinks it was her responsibility as the death of Dune was unintended. The White boy didn't knew what he was doing. He was innocent. She makes a plan and gets him out. She takes him to their hideout and let's him stay there. Ruby even gives him a Drone of Dune as it was the right thing to do and teaches him basic control... The Boy learns it in first go...  Bevrian and Lisa comes to know about the escape and Lisa tolds Bervrian to be responsible for his daughter Ruby. Bevrian asks for three days and says he will take care of the boy. 
When she returns to her room... Her father asks her to go for a stroll... Bevrian is a loving father... He doesn't want his daughter to feel lonely as she lost her mother too early. His father explains why she is special and important for him. Ruby knows what he was trying to say... He doesn't want to lose her as Dune. 
The next day, Ruby takes the boy for learning new things with drone.  In the cities and roads... There are colourful stones called Contaminants. 
The contaminants stones have lot of energy and can be used to charge batteries of Drone. The Zombies can't get near them as the Contaminants reacts as posion for them. The However, When the Boy goes near them... They didn't react ... They treat him as human. Ruby thought it was only possible if he was human. As they were returning, A White Masked Zombie with bloody smile of his face, walks near them. He was holding a Head of Corpse. He throws the head and crushes it with a spike. Watching the splitering blood, He calls to the white boy, "Brother, Come with me." 
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre, Solitude masked man
Solitude Men

Ruby thinks he was referring to the boy next to him and the white boy thought it was Ruby. The White boy pulls up  a gun from Ruby's bag and threaten the masked man. The Guy didn't even flinch. They ran to Amina. Upon returning to the hideout. Ruby thinks that He should get away from this Zone and go outside where he would be safe. The boy also wants Ruby to be safe. But, the later day... hearing the incoming footsteps to the Room... The boy knows.. it wasn't Ruby, So pulls up the Gun. It was Bevrian... Ruby's Dad. Bevrian asks if he was going to shoot.. the boy reply... No. But, Bevrain shoots the gun. 
When Ruby returns to the Hideout.. She sees No one. It was all empty. But, At the same time, The Masked man enters... He asks... Where is the boy... Frightened Ruby couldn't even move... Just as he was about to attack .. A Gun shot get fired at the masked man. It was Bevrian. He sees there is no effect on his body so, He shoots the man in head. It was dead. 
When he pulls up the mask... It was a Zombie with rotten skin. But, there was symbol under his mask. A Red symbol with a Circle of three lines. 
The Symbol was sign of great danger for their safe zone. Lisa, Taer and Bevrian knew it. 
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre,
Solitude Symbol 

The Symbol was of Solitude. a Tenacious group of blinded believers who think there is God who wants humanity to be extinct
On hearing the story from Ruby. Bevrian was certain that the Masked Man was after the White Boy. 
Bevrain tells them about the going to find clues outside Amina. But, it was never easy task. Ruby madeup her mind to follow her father on his journey. She knew, If she followed her father, She will eventually meet that white boy... But, As their journey progress for days and weeks .. The Death Follows them too. Too many Masked men are after them and in search of the White boy
Bevrian has a friend outside the Amina and Safe Zone. Rovan. A famous individual in the entire Outside lands and a former best friend of Bevrian. Rovan was famous enough to be known by every person. Everyone owed him some kind of debt. But, Rovan was not a friendly Man. He was quite and calm and always wearing sun glasses.
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre,Rovan , Bevrian , tacit

His eyes looked so lazy that you might think he is always high. 
As they meet Rovan... Ruby finally meets The White Boy Again... The Boy was named Arvan
Rovan named him after a begger. Rovan trained him and experimented on him. Now, Arvan could use Contaminant as his food. He can eat the stones and get his taste and smell sensitivity back. Arvan was grateful to Rovan as he helped him to be counted among humans. 
At same time, The People following tails of Bevrian and Ruby made a large scale attack on the base. There was suicide bomber in them too. 
The bomb was about to explode in the middle of the battlefield. Rovan saw it coming and he sees no other option to save Bevrain other than to use Arvan as the Human shield. He pulls Arvan and throws him at the bomber. As the bomb explodes... The Body of Arvan gets destroyed to pieces. He was burned and only his upper half remained intact. 
It was a miracle that he was still breathing... 
But, there was another miracle... He was slowly regenerating himself... Rovan offered to collect the contaminants to fed him. He didn't allow the doctors to bandage him which can be an obstacle for his regeneration. But, the duration was too long... 
The attacks from Solitude was unreasonable. So, Rovan asks about the critical internal secrets of Amina and about the facts. Bevrian tolds him about the Deaths and Attacks on Amina. And the death of his wife and their friend Simon (Father of Dune). While, Bevraian and Amina thought Simon turned into Zombie and died. Rovan contradicted the fact. There was news about Simon being alive and still keeping on his research to cure zombies. Rovan knows about the last location Simon was seen and offers Bevrain to take a look. Rovan and Bevrian leave Ruby in thier friends care and left on their journey to find Simon. 
But, on their journey... They had to walk through dangerous forests. Bevrian sees  the cruel reality of Outside life. The way Rovan who was banished from Amina lived his life. There are actual monsters which are worse than Zombies. 
Rovan was famous for his friendship but He didn't have any actual friends. Everybody hated Rovan for his personality but they owed him.They knew Rovan was a Survivor. He didn't have friends and He only uses people based on his need. So, Bervian wanted Simon to return to Amina as it was his mistake that Rovan's life turned this way. 

Will they find Simon
Who is Arvan
What is Solitude and why are they after Arvan? 
Why Rovan was banished from Amina? 
How did the Apocalypse of Zombie even start? 
There are so many mysteries and secrets to be unfold. As long is the intro for this manhwa... It's really engaging and fun to read it. 
The partial romance chemistry between Ruby and Arvan... Arvan unlocking his potential... Ruby training herslef to protect Arvan and Rovan and Bevrian finding their friend and the broken links
The story is way better then any other  Zombie movie. The Artstyle of this Webtoon is quite impressive. I really loved it. 
tacit webtoon, webtoon zombie genre,

With around 50+ chapters... TACIT ( Answering to voices lurking from the shadows) is one of kind Webtoon. It's definitely a good stroyline with action scenes and romance combined. A Zombie manhwa this good is really a rare grade item. 
You can watch it on Webtoon. Join the Fun. 

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