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I can stack experience through writing books : Best Short Story for manhwa

Updater : NPC GOD

NPC - Non Playable Character
If you have ever played any open world or rather a video game.. where you see some people called bots or say people inside the game which cannot be controlled by users. These people are called NPC's. They are often seen in role playing games... Where you have to interact with them to get quest or interact with them to get some information in competing the game. 
Well, I'm sure you know what NPC means now.
We have seen many manwhas which are related to games and gaming systems... The Player can't level up, Return to player, God Game and many other Hunter manhwas are part of it and also many Isekai or game world animes too. 
They all have main characters as Players which are given special privileges to get stronger and smarter than others. Its quite common to make characters overpowered in manhwas. 
But, What if the NPC is given such privileges and given the tag of a Player! Or rather most overpowering ability like an Administrator of the whole game... 
Sounds like a freaky fantasy!! 
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Updater manhwa is makes this imagination into reality... A New NPC-Player protagonist!! 
Well, We have seen a player becoming a NPC in The Legendary Mechanic, Now let's see a NPC becoming a Player.

The World is a game played by humans.  The humans login to this game as Players and enjoy their time fighting and defeating the monsters
Just like any other open world game.. Players have full freedom to whatever they do with the game and with the NPC's inside the game....  They even go as far as torturing them and looting them. (Well, we have seen it in GTA gamesz I feel ashamed now!)
Players kill the NPC's without blinking... Since NPC characters  will get respawn again and again. Players get Karma point as penalty.
However, The NPC's have their own consciousness and they even feel love and suffering. This is not known by players. (This takes me back to SAO days... Man I'm waiting for SAO 5).
The Administrator and the Opeators are incharge of supervising the gaming system and deleting the bugs and viruses. The Bugs causes errors and contaminate other NPC's and even affects the Game. The Administrator cannot do all that work all alone, hence he gives some system commands to his selected Players called Operators.  The Operators are powerful players who can Use the Delete function and use special commands for the systems. The Commands are like Magic spells in this Game World. But, The Operators does not poses the Administrator powers. Administrator is similar to a Ruler of God of the Game. 
One day, Due to a serious error, A region within the game is scheduled to be Erased.. The Administrator attempts to delete the town with Destructive Destroyer Bots and Commands them to erase the town. The Town gets attacked and gets sealed from rest of the game world...
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

 The Administrator himself came to erase the bug which was causing this error... That Bug is our protagonist Aiden and his little sister Alice. (Oh... Sounds familiar) 
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

Aiden is a NPC blacksmith. During the times of maintainance the whole game is stopped and the NPC are supposed to be immovable. But, Aiden and Alice happen to be unaffected by the system and can still move during the maintenance time.... They were poor and don't make money from their work... So they resort to stealing during the maintenance time. 
The Administrator gives the permanent deletion command and attempts to delete the whole town... 
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

In that disastrous blast... Aiden loses his arms and legs but Alice loses her life. In her last words, she wishes her brother to live a happy life and disappears
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

In a rage, He swears to destroy the system and gets deleted... 
Just when he was being deleted.... A mysterious arm comes forward and holds Aiden. The Voice cancels the administrator's command and revives No.000002 Adien. 
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

The Voice tells Aiden to carry our his role and sends him to different place. 
Aiden opens his eyes in a new region of the game. He sees he was given the Administrator powers and now he can use commands from the system. He can even use Update command. 
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game
Status window

He is given the nickname UPDATER.
Now that he can use update command, As a blacksmith, He can upgrade any weapon without failing and can control their upgrades.
After gaining much profits, He gets a room and sees a new Status window has appeared. He is seen as Human and can go om quest just like players. Even more than players... He can see new quests before even they are available for players. A personal quest appears for Aiden... which can give him a commond to host events. Aiden realises the system is using him for something, But that doesn't matter anymore since he is going to destroy it anyway. 
He goes to the hidden dungeon to find the Easter egg. The Dungeon is only accessible by players, but Aiden was able to go in... He goes in and finds Monsters who are stuck in time. They are immovable. A Guardian appears and attacks Aiden. Aiden loses and was about to die but he doesn't give up. He uses his blacksmith hammer to degrades the Guardian. He degrades it to junk and breaks it apart. 
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

Watching the indestructible Guardian breaking apart, An Operator sees Aiden as a bug and sets out to eliminate him. 
A Girl sees the potential of Aiden and helps him recover from the Dungeon. The Girls name is Aria
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game

Aria wants to be friends with Aiden but He refuses.
 After fighting countless monsters, Aiden realises, he is stuck at level 1 and can't level up. Aria offers to become a party member so that she can help him level up. Aiden accepts and goes on a hunt. Despite how she looks, Aria is stronger than anything they face. She has all her powers as private and Aiden can't see her level.
After all fights, Aiden levels up quickly. 
Now, Aiden has truly become the part of the system as a Player.
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game
Level up

He sees a region similar to his town, which was sealed and scheduled to be erased. No one besides Operators and Admin are allowed to go inside it. Yet, Aiden goes in easily. He sees a girl which was detected as a bug and causing the error. Aiden uses his powers and saves her. She was no longer a NPC and recognised as Free Person by the system. Aiden uses the same power on the whole area and rest of the people. 
There were only 5 people and the Town gets unsealed. Aiden is recognised as the new 'Administrator' for the town. 
A temporary inspection gets started and Aiden is chased by an Operator. The Operator locates Aiden and attempts to delete him but Aiden resists the deletion. Aiden has higher authority than any Operator. Aiden uses his ability and gets away from the battlefield
updater manhwa, manga updater, update manhwa, game world, game player, npc hero, npc updater manhwa, manhwa world, player manhwa, aiden alice npc game
Admin Aiden

In teh Mekana city, Aiden meets a hidden place where he meets Guardian Sirius. 
updater manhwa, manga updater, dragon sirius, sirius star, sirius guardian
Guardian Sirius

Sirius was a Dragon and  protector of humans. But, Due to a Virus, one of the most powerful enemies of the system, Sirius was affected and about to be become a Virus himself. 
updater manhwa, webtoon, virus update, virus manhwa

Sirius gives Adien the quest to help him restore the humans and save them from Virus. Aiden uses all his authority and was able to make a Firewall to save the NPC's. Sirius gives him his only Star and Aiden Forges it into his Divine Sword of Execution. 
Still the virus was just a clone of the main Virus, Worm.
updater manhwa, worm updater, aiden worm, update manhwa,manhua updater

A Meeting of System Operators and Admins in organised to eliminate the threat of Viruses
updater manwha, manhwa, manga updater, virus worm, worm army, aiden
Virus army

Aria knows Aiden's potential so she ask him to make her his Operator so that she can help him even more. 
I reality, Aria was also one of the Operators and was suspended by the system. She is certainly one the strongest players of the game. 
Now, Aiden has set in his journey to gain his true powers as a Admin and Take his revenge on the system. 

Will he able to get his revenge?
Will get meet his sister again?
Who gave Aiden his powers?
Are they truly inside a game?
Who is the main creator of this game?
Is Aiden really a NPC

There are so many mysterious and unknowns ..... The Updater manhwa ha aso much more updates to get and there is a long way to go. Oh.. yes... The Guilds. There are Guilds too. There is lot more to uncover.
The Story is seriously based on the NPC gaining the ability to act willing inside a Game and Powerful Players helping him to reach his potential. 
It's slightly similar to SAO anime. Yes, There are system commands but They are quite straight forward like Update, Delete, Unlock, etc. The story is really slow at the first but it gets more and more exciting and engaging as you move forward. 
The animation is unique and has lot of system windows.. afterall our main hero is part of the system himself. 
It's way cooler and you will enjoy it. 
With around 66+ chapters... Updater has just begun and there is much more to see and learn... If you love Player and Game manhwas, You will definitely get entertained by Updater
Join the Fun

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