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One Piece Fan Theory : True One piece .

One-piece has many Fan theories about The Treasure One Piece and Gold Roger, The King of the Pirates.
But One Thing People Don't Talk about are, The events of One-Piece and The True Story of One-piece.
 One thing is Crystal Clear, One-piece is not just about The Treasure One-Piece which needs to be found or Straw Hat Luffy Himself...
The Mysteries like...
 The Lost Century, The Grand Line, World Government  Building A Bridge which is going to circle the whole world, the  PoneglyphsVoice of All things, What are the Devil Fruits, Why Do Pirates and  Devils exist in One piece? ( opps not the last one) 
My theory is One Piece is not just a Treasure of Gold or any Kind of fairyland, It is something that is to be known, something that has Knowledge of the World,  Answers for all the Questions and The Unknowns.

Well, Let's start from the beginning...

Gol D. Roger and So-called Pirate King never actually had the treasure One-Piece nor did he find it. 
He did become the King of the Pirates because He was the First to Conquer and Sail across all the Grand Line.

The Real Question is Who made the One-Piece Treasure and Who owned it in the first place. Why Everybody has to Become " A Pirate "  and go against The World Government to see this Treasure? 
....Can you guess !!! 

 The True Answer is: Freedom 

Yes, One Piece anime may not be the Adventure Story and the  Treasure Hunt of  'Onepiece' or The Journey of Luffy To become The King of the Pirates !!

But One-piece is a Story of Rebellion. A Fight for Independence and freedom from the World Government.
 (Just like Lelouch of the Rebelion and Real World Freedom Struggles ) 

Remember Whenever Luffy is asked, why you want to become King of the Pirates, His only answer is "I want to become free , I don't want to forc someone or Becomes someones, King ". 
That's the Truth !! You heard Luffy. 
It is said that The King of the Pirates is the only man who can do anything, Owns Everything the world has to offer and is truly a Free Man. But Looking back at Gol D. ROGER, OnePiece Treasure Never gave Power or Money or Anything like a Heaven Defying Object to Gol D. Roger. 
Surprisingly, He surrendered to the World Government and was not even Free to die or Stay with his Family and Ace. He was executed. 
 So, In essence, He never became the Free Man. He never truly became the King of the Pirates and  Never truly found the One-Piece,  which is in my opinion - Freedom. 
We all know  Great Writer of One-piece  'God' Oda is very famous for his Fore-Shadowing Scenes in one-piece. And to support my theory of OnePiece - Treasure of Freedom ....There are facts and foreshadowing made by Oda himself. Lives of straw hat pirates... 
The Extermination of Ohara. They were Studying about the Lost Century and Poneglyph, But They were  Burned By World Government ... Robin the last survivor of Ohara running to be free from World Government, Slaves of Celestial Dragons lost their freedom to be humans, Nami Fighting for her Freedom against the Orlong Pirates, Brook fighting for his Freedom from Gecko Moria And His Shadow Cage, Sanji being forced to marry pudding and Fighting for his Freedom from his Family Germa 66. 
Wano Kingdom People fighting for their freedom from Orochi and Free the Land of Wano, The fact that Luffy's Father is Leader of a Revolutionary Army and also fighting against the world Government. 
(A Revolution can also be called a Change of People or Fight for Freedom ). It makes more sense that One-piece is a Story of Freedom. 
 There are many things I didn't mention here ...
These all people have one thing in common, They all are helped by One person Monkey D. Luffy
I believe these all are the foreshadowing parts for the Epic Reveal of the Quest of Freedom and One-piece. 
Luffy on the Other hand is Truly a Free Man from the Start. He does what he wants and his actions don't depend on anyone's command ...We can totally understand this by the actions of Luffy. Luffy never listens to others plans, and Never follows them.  He makes his way on his own and never relies on anybody. His crew are the only people he takes for granted because they are his friends and he is the Captain. That is how freely he lives.
That is the Reason, Luffy can hear the
 'Voice of All Things'. Both Gold Roger and Oden Kozuki can hear these voices Because They want to be free and They desire to make others Free.
Gol D. Roger Wanted to find the One-Piece and Oden wants to Open  His Locked Country Wano Kingdom. 
At one point in the Anime, when Roger and Oden are at the Fish-Man Island, which is the underwater kingdom. He hears the Voice of all things which come from the Sea kings. The Voice says that ' Their RULER will be born in the distant sea after 10 years '.At the time, Roger realizes that He is not their Ruler and He is too early for the time. He knows That Someone who will be Born will surpass him and will become more than what he will be incoming period.
This phenomenon also happens with Luffy and Momonosuke (Son of Oden) on Zou (The  Kingdom on Elephants Back). That Elephant is named Zunesha (Kind Combination of " Hindu God Ganesha " and " Zou " which means Elephant in Japanese ). Zunesha Speaks to Luffy that He has to give him Order to fight the Enemies alongside him.
This leads us closer to the fact that ; 
Luffy can hear the Voice of All things which includes All Animals and Beings.
The Sea Kings refer to Luffy as their RULER, and The Zunesha Also refers to him as his MASTER and indirectly RULER. This doesn't happen with Gol D. Roger.
All the Creatures Already knew that Their Ruler who happens to be Luffy was going to be born and Meet them in future. (Did someone give them spoilers or something)
Therefore, Luffy has already surpassed Roger and become someone closer to one part of the  OnePiece Treasure ( The ruler of All beings ). 
And Something which, I think the interesting part of Luffy's life and the Most Underrated scene of One-piece.
Remember when Buggy was going to execute Luffy in front of all citizens in Loguetown?  Yes .. Luffy was smiling and When Buggy's Sword was going to touch Luffy ...Heaven forbid it and Cracking Lighting struck the Pillar and Burned it down ...Not To mention, Luffy was unharmed by the Lightning and Buggy was knocked out. This shows, Even the Heavens know Luffy is not any ordinary person. (Well, Some say it was the power of Dragon who saved Luffy but I don't know if Dragon is a Devil fruit user, It would be interesting if Dragon can summon Lightning, Rain and Wind storm. Honestly, he would be overpowered).  Thus, I think Luffy has great responsibility than just becoming A  Pirate King. 
Laugh Tale is a different theory because Laugh Tale is said to be the last Island of the Grand Line but It cannot be mapped on the World Map which makes it harder to find. But What if it is like Sky island and Fish-Man Island. Maybe it is hidden just like them. Maybe it didn't even exist, who knows ... 
My guess is Laugh tale is not the end but where the One-Piece truly starts. The Rebellion against the World Government. The Worlds First Pirate Crew or the Foundation of the World Government. 
Maybe we have to wait for it a little bit ad we unfold it in the upcoming anime and manga chapters.  

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