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Gangs of School : Real Lookism

Everyone in their school days has seen bullies or have bullied someone. The Gangs in School is not an extraordinary concept for students in India. It's as ordinary as your subscribing to my channel. But of course, It's very special for me. Schools having Gangs of boys and girls is quite expected.  These gangs have but only one thing... Having Fun with bullying and Feeling the Power of Authority over others...  But, The  Highschool Gangs  has some additional motive in forming Gangs...  Money !!  Yeah, Highschool bosses are determined by Power-levels and Financial conditions of the Group. If you haven't been part of a gang, You may not know this... But If you have heard of any Politician helping a Gang, That's good enough for Financial Support. I guess, Koreans have this extravagant system more than Indians . Take an example of Lookism ,  it was solely based on Gangs and Groups of Korean Highschool Students.  Gangs of School has the sam...