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That time I was reincarnated as a slime : Slime Saitama

That Time I got reincarnated as a slime  Strongest Ability of Any Anime Character  ...  Name it : Rasengan ,  BeastBomb , Telekinisis , One for all , Bending metal , Gravity controll ,  Excellent Sword Skill like Duel Wielding , Super Saiyan , Healing and Regeneration   or One can say " One Serious Punch " ! But The God of Abilities is " Predator "... The ability to mimic someone's ability just by devouring any little part of it ! Rimuru Tempest our main hero is slime and has this unique skill .How did he got it ? Satoru Mikami is an ordinary 37 year old dude working in corporate and  living in Tokyo all Alone and Single since his birth. Despite the fact that he is 37 and  he never had girlfriend ever . During a casual encounter with his friends (when he finally feels that he has made some friends) , A Homosapien Animal pops out of nowhere and stabs him just like that ~. At the same time ,when he is dieing on the roadsid...